The MusicEDU suite

Music Education Made Easy.

The 5 curriculum programs transforming music education.

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Video Game Music

Here’s a list of some suggested repertoire of Video Game Music in the style of Baroque Music!

We’ve put together some advice on possible Career Pathways in Video Game Music!

Want to explore Video Game music that is influenced by other cultures? We’ve got just the list for you!

An example of a real classroom discussion about a popular video game, and the music within i

Here’s our pick of the legends of the Video Game Music genre!

Here are some examples of using music theory to make predictions in video game music.

Here are some interesting statistics about video gaming from the Deloitte Center for Technology, Media and Communications.

We’ve compiled a list of large ensemble pieces of music from popular video games.

Make Me a DJ

We’ve made our top suggestions for beginners for DJ Hardware (Controllers/Decks).

Interested in knowing what some current trends in the DJing community are? Well look no further.


Here are some suggestions on organising and storing the DJ equipment for your classroom:

Which DJs would your students be listening to? Here’s a few suggestions (mostly Australian!) if you want to look for repertoire.

Have you ever wondered what DJ actually stands for? Look no further, because we’ve done all of the research for you!

When preparing for your performance, you should write out a plan of attack or a “B.A.T.T.L.E Plan” for your DJ set.

Integrating Technology

There are many pathways for students to learn and pursue additional study in these exciting new mediums!

Here is a comparison of some of the key features and differences between Bandlab, Soundtrap and Garageband.

This resource from our AI Webinar includes a list of Terminology, Shortcomings, Suggestions for the Classroom and a list of AI Tools.

Building a Music Community

An article debunking the idea that ‘natural talent’ is a myth,
especially in music!

Are your students practising but not improving? Maybe they’ve picked up one of these habits!

Beat Makers

Create Your
First EDM Beat

5 EDM Chord

5 Essential EDM
Drum Patterns

Record & Produce

Ready-made music curriculum

that is so on-trend with students,
it’s Friday afternoon, grade-8-proof!

Designed for students

from Grades 5 to 10, MusicEDU simplifies the latest music industry topics & trends (like music for games, beat-making, film & soundtrack, and DJing), and enables teachers to seamlessly integrate them into the music classroom.

Mapped to State and Federal Curriculum Standards

MusicEDU makes teaching music in the digital world an authentic and headache-free experience.

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